A number of our Shungite items are engraved by artisans in Russia with sacred symbols like the Tree Of Life.
The following are a few of our symbols we have decorating our Shungite.
The Tree of Life is a significant symbol in many of the world’s mythological, religious, and philosophical traditions1. It is closely related to the concept of the sacred tree1. Here are some key points about the Tree of Life:
The Tree of Life is a fundamental archetype in many of the world’s mythological, religious, and philosophical traditions1. It is closely related to the concept of the sacred tree1.
The concept of the Tree of Life may have originated in Central Asia and was absorbed by other cultures, such as Scandinavian mythology and Altai shamanism1.
The Tree of Life symbolizes how a family grows and expands throughout many generations. It also symbolizes fertility as it always finds a way to keep growing, through seeds or new saplings, and is lush and green, which signifies its vitality2.
In Biology
The Tree of Life or universal tree of life is a metaphor, model, and research tool used to explore the evolution of life and describe the relationships between organisms, both living and extinct3.
In Art and Culture
Various trees of life are recounted in folklore, culture, and fiction, often relating to immortality or fertility1. They had their origin in religious symbolism1.
Please note that interpretations can vary widely across different cultures and religions.

The Flower of life

Om is a very simple sound with a complex meaning. It is the whole universe coalesced into a single word, representing the union of mind, body, and spirit that is at the heart of yoga.

Yin and Yang

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